

Best Answer

If you double the radius of a circle, you also double its circumference.

It's now 200% of what it was originally ... an increase of 100% .

See rigorous proof below.


Let radius = r

Circumference = 2πr

Double the radius:

New radius = 2r

New circumference = 4πr

Increase in circumference = 4πr - 2πr = 2πr = (2πr/2πr) X 100%


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Q: Will the circumference increase by 200 percent if you double the radius?
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easy you just double it. Additional answer No, that's incorrect. If you double the radius you get the diameter. To get the circumference you multiply the radius by 2 then by 3.142. 3.142 is known as pi

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circumference= pi(3.14) by the diameter. if your given the radius, double the radius and times by pi.

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Double the radius and multiply by pi

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The cricle's circumference is a linear function of its radius, so they change in direct proportion.If the radius increases by 75%, the circumference also increases by 75%.

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Double the radius.

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there is no constant that will calculate this, since circumference is calculated with only radius and area with radius squared. you will have to calculate the radius using the initial circumference and then the radius again for the new circumference (with the 50 added). then calculate an area for each radius..then you can see the increase.

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The circumference of any circle is (pi) x (diameter),and of course, the diameter is double the radius.