

Best Answer

If you mean six consecutive INTEGERS, then the answer is Yes.

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Q: Will the sum of 6 consecutive numbers always be divisble by 3?
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Is the sum of two consecutive numbers always divisible by 2?

No, the sum of two consecutive numbers is always an odd number, and is not divisible by two.

What is always the sum of three consecutive whole numbers?

The sum of 3 consecutive whole numbers is always equal to 3 times the middle number in that sequence.

Is the sum of two consecutive odd numbers is always divisble by 4?

Yes. Let the two consecutive odd numbers be (2n - 1) and (2n + 1) for all values of integer n (ie n ∈ ℤ) Then their sum is: sum = (2n - 1) + (2n + 1) = 2n + 2n = (2 + 2)n = 4n = a multiple of 4, so is divisible by 4.

The sum of two consecutive whole numbers is always?

Since one of the numbers will be even and the other odd, the sum will always be odd.

What is the sum of three consecutive numbers always?

The sum is always 3 more than (triple the smallest number).

What are two consecutive numbers that add up to 600?

The sum of consecutive integers will always be odd. Consecutive odd numbers will be even. 299 + 301 = 600

Why is the sum of four consecutive numbers always even?

If n is the first number, n + n + 1 + n + 2 + n + 3 will be the sum, which is 4n + 6. 4n is always even, and 6 is even. Therefore, the sum of four consecutive numbers is always even.

What is the sum of two consecutive whole numbers?

The sum of any two consecutive whole numbers is always odd, and equal to one more than twice the first number (2x+1).

What are the two consecutive numbers with the sum of 142?

There are no two consecutive whole numbers that sum to 142.With two consecutive whole numbers, one is even and the other odd, and their sum will be odd, but 142 is even.Two consecutive even numbers that sum to 142 are 70 and 72.

The sum of three consecutive numbers is always?

A multiple of 3 Also a multiple of 6.

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What types of numbers can always be written as the sum of two nonzero consecutive whole numbers?

ODD NUMBERS. If you take two consecutive whole (non zero) numbers then one will be an odd number and the other will be an even number. The sum of an odd number and an even number is always an odd number.