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If you take two consecutive whole (non zero) numbers then one will be an odd number and the other will be an even number.

The sum of an odd number and an even number is always an odd number.

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Q: What types of numbers can always be written as the sum of two nonzero consecutive whole numbers?
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In fact, they can. 2 and 3 are consecutive prime numbers.For larger numbers, one of two consecutive numbers will always be even, and therefore, not a prime.In fact, they can. 2 and 3 are consecutive prime numbers.For larger numbers, one of two consecutive numbers will always be even, and therefore, not a prime.In fact, they can. 2 and 3 are consecutive prime numbers.For larger numbers, one of two consecutive numbers will always be even, and therefore, not a prime.In fact, they can. 2 and 3 are consecutive prime numbers.For larger numbers, one of two consecutive numbers will always be even, and therefore, not a prime.

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Adding consecutive pairs of numbers will always turn out to be an odd number. It would have to be consecutive odd numbers: 45 and 47.

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No, the sum of two consecutive numbers is always an odd number, and is not divisible by two.

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Consecutive numbers will always total an odd number. Consecutive odd numbers or consecutive primes would be 5 and 7.

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The sum of 3 consecutive whole numbers is always equal to 3 times the middle number in that sequence.

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If there are an odd # of consecutive numbers, they will. If there are an even # of numbers, the mean will be halfway between the two medians.

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The sum of consecutive integers will always be odd. Consecutive odd numbers will be even. 299 + 301 = 600

Will the product of 3 consecutive numbers always be even?

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