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In general it could - particularly if the precision of the scale is not matched by the accuracy of the data in the table.

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Q: Would The precision of a graph may be lost when the information is transferred from a table?
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Who are the users of bar graph?

Probably anyone who wishes to present numerical information in an easily digestible form, where precision is not critical.

How can a graph of data be more information than a table of the same data?

It does not. In fact, it usually contains less information because some of the precision of the data in the table may not be easy to retrieve from the graph. However, many people (but not all) find it easier to get a summarised version of the information from a graph than from a table.

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A bar graph would be the best graph or chart to use to compare and contrast information.

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The biodiversity graph depicts the variability of species in the given area.

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You can get more information about the answer to a ordered pair, etc.

Why would you use a broken line graph?

You would use a broken bar graph, when grouping and gathering information. You would use straight, slanted, or vertical lines and showing points with dots. A broken bar graph is just like a line graph.

Which information would best be shown on a line graph?

Rises and falls.

Which type of graph would NOT be used to display the weather information?

its either a or d line plot or oduble bar graph

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A bar graph is information that is collected by counting can be displayed on this graph. A pie graph is a graph that shows information as parts of a circle

Information collected by counting can best be displayed on a?

A bar graph is information that is collected by counting can be displayed on this graph. A pie graph is a graph that shows information as parts of a circle

How can you make a graph with this experiment?

To make a graph with an experiment, it would be wise to make a short graph at first. Make a rough draft using basic numbers, and draw the graph after the information is gathered.

What information does a line graph represent?

This depends upon the graph; you can graph any kind of information that you like.