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No. It would be a good thing if people in developed countries were not wasteful.

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Q: Would it be a good thing if people in developing countries do not increase their consumption?
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What is the percent change of 230 people to 300 people?

30.43% increase

What two countries that have around six million people?

Malawi and Lebanon are two countries that have around six million people.

Why is Friday traditionally considered an unlucky day by people in Christian countries?

Friday is not considered an unlucky day by people in Christian countries. Some superstitious people consider Friday the 13th an unlucky day.

In a seminar you start with 59 people at the end of seminar with 72 what is the percentage of the increase?

Percentage increase= Difference 13 ------------ ----- = 22 % Origional 59

What are some good things about deforestation?

Without deforestation, many countries would suffer. Deforestation has been a great tool for developing countries throughout history. Even the US falls into this category. We would not be the country we are today if we did not use deforestation as an economic tool. Deforestation provides many jobs. There are jobs for people to cut the trees. There are jobs for people to process the trees. There are people to farm the newly cleared land. There are people who can use the new lumber to build house for the people who now have jobs thanks to deforestation. Another thing it does is give us more resources. Forest land is usually rich with resources such as iron ore, oil, and other things the earth naturally produces. These are all resources we rely on for building things, and, getting these resources out of the ground also creates jobs for people.

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How much more water do people in the developed world use than people in the developing world?

People in developed countries use about 3 times more water than people in developing countries. This discrepancy is mainly due to higher standards of living, industrial activities, and infrastructure that require more water consumption.

When the consumption power increase does it may be the sign for development of a country?

No, When the consumption power increase..... the basic needs of the people cannot be satisfied ..... its the poor sign in the developed of a country ..... its bad issue mainly for the developing country like India ..... then economical status will be in down arrow in the graph ...

When prices go down people do what?

they increase consumption

Why do experts claim that people in the developed world are more of a burden on the planet then people of the developing world?

Experts claim that people in the developed world generally have higher levels of consumption and produce more waste compared to people in the developing world. This leads to a greater environmental impact in terms of resource depletion and pollution. Additionally, developed countries often have higher carbon footprints due to industrial activities and energy consumption.

How did urbanization affect developing countries?

How has urbanization affected people in developing nations

Why is there a high population in developing countries?

because of the availability of everything. food, jobs, health, education. everything.

A goal of people in developing countries is?

The goal of people in developing countries is to become an emerging economy by achieving standard health care and reducing mortality rate.

What are the challenges of using the Internet in developing countries?

Using the Internet in developing countries is greatly hampered by the high degree of poverty in developing countries. Not many people can access the Internet because it is expensive.

If most of the population growth in the future is expected to take place in developing countries predict what effects this will likely have.?

People in these countries will live in poverty. There will be an increase in demand for access to basic goods and services. its better then what was there before

It appears that most of the world's population growth is taking place in developing countries. Predict what effects this will likely have?

There will be an increase in demand for access to basic goods and services. More people are going to be living in poverty.

How does developing countries benefit from globalization?

People in developing countries have access to innovations of the developed world. This includes computers, and cutting edge medical innovations.

What happens to a developing countries facing an increase in population?

Developing countries facing an increase in population may experience challenges in providing adequate resources such as food, water, housing, and healthcare for their growing population. This can lead to strain on infrastructure, potential environmental degradation, increased poverty, and challenges in meeting the needs of the population. Governments of developing countries may need to implement policies and initiatives to support sustainable development and improve quality of life for their growing population.