Depends on how much time you have left or are willing to spend on it.
DRQFOSAC is a math problem solving strategy. The letters are an anagram for the steps used to solve math problems. D = do (you have decided to do to problem). R = read (read the problem and any graphs/diagrams that go with the problem). Q = question (what question is being asked so you know what unit to use). F = facts (what are the facts given). O = operation (what operation) will you use to solve the problem). S = solve (time to solve the problem). A = answer (write the answer with units). C = check (check your work to make sure there are no silly mistakes). Good luck and happy computing!
An algorithm is the series of steps to solve problem, so you would be looking for the series of steps to solve a math problem.
There was no word problem, so it would be a null equation.
It depends on the problem you are trying to solve. like; 2x + 3 = 13. it would be "5". (Multiplication.) or x/3 = 6. x= 18. this is a division problem. Like I said, it all depends on your problem.
The answer is 455. Simply add the numbers together arithmetically as you would for the problem two plus two. To check your work, a calculator is the best option.
check your answer
DRQFOSAC is a math problem solving strategy. The letters are an anagram for the steps used to solve math problems. D = do (you have decided to do to problem). R = read (read the problem and any graphs/diagrams that go with the problem). Q = question (what question is being asked so you know what unit to use). F = facts (what are the facts given). O = operation (what operation) will you use to solve the problem). S = solve (time to solve the problem). A = answer (write the answer with units). C = check (check your work to make sure there are no silly mistakes). Good luck and happy computing!
check your answer
Trial and Error in science, or else you can use a (chemical) equation to solve and check.
yes it would
The most "organized" plan would be to solve the problem.
remedy, solve
An algorithm is the series of steps to solve problem, so you would be looking for the series of steps to solve a math problem.
It could solve it because there would be a unity and once there is unity there would be cooperation
There was no word problem, so it would be a null equation.
The rules for solving word problems are read the problem, decide what you need to do, solve the problem, and check your answer.
It is to use science for a practical job or to solve a problem.