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Q: Would you give 10 examples of qualitative and quantitative observation?
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What is the main difference between qualitative and quantitative?

A qualitative observation has to do with things you can't count, "The fish has black scales" is a qualitative observation. A quantitative observation has to do with things you can count, "The fish has 125 scales" is a quantitative observation. You can combine these two, an example would be "The fish has 125 black scales."

What are kinds of observation?

There are two types of observation. There is what is referred to as the qualitative observation and what is referred to as quantitative observation. Qualitative observations do not deal with numbers, but rather details of an experiment per se. An example would be how a precipitate looks that was formed from a reaction. Quantitative observations deal with numbers; an example would be the amount of a substance (in grams) formed from a completed reaction.

What is quantitative observating?

Quantitative observation describes number value while qualitative observation describes something specific without using numbers.

What is a quantitative observation?

A quantitative observation is something that measures a quantity (number), such as the weight of length of an object. Quantitative observations have numbers, such as 3 pounds or 5 meters. The opposite is a qualitative observation, such as something is round or that it is blue. There are no numbers involved, the thing is either round or it's not.

What are the different type of observation?

An observation is something noticed directly by your senses. There are three different types of observations. A qualitative observation is an observation about essential attributes of an object. For example, color, shape, texture, etc would be examples. A quantitative observation is an observation that can be described or measured in concrete numerical quantity. For example, weight, temperature, height, length, and mass would be examples. two types of observation: participant & non-participant

How a scientist would use a qualitative observation and quantitative observation to study an animal?

There is a few ways to stay an animal. Staying an animal over night with testing.

Would you give 5 more examples of qualitative and quantitative observations?

books , electricfan , ballpen , cologne , comb

What is a qualitative observation?

A Qualitative Observation is an observation that uses the five senses. sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. An example of this would be: "This tree has bright green leaves that have soft bumps on them." The opposite is a quantitative observation, which is measured in numbers, such as the weight or length of an object. For example, 5 pounds or 100 inches. For instance "The stratosphere begins 40 kilometers above the surface of Earth."

What are the differences between quantitative and qualitative techinque?

Quantitative means that it is concerned with how much. Qualitative means that it is only concerned with the kind. And example of quantitative would be the number of trees in a park, and an example of qualitative would be whether you have blue eyes or brown eyes.

Is green liquid qualitative or quantitative?

ha ha... it could be either. Qualitative would be if you did a taste test to see if the green liquid (hopefully kool-aid) tasted good to different people. Quantitative would be if you measured how much of the green liquid there was. It isn't inherently either one, as qualitative and quantitative describe types of data, rather than things such as colored liquids of unidentified origin.

Is a solid dissolving in water qualitative or quantitative?

The process of a solid dissolving in water is qualitative. This is because it involves observing the physical change of the solid disappearing into the liquid, without necessarily measuring the amounts or concentrations involved in the dissolution process.

What quantitalative observation?

quantitive observation is where you can observe a large number of people or things at once ie a survey would create quantitative data as a large number of people can take a survey. QUALITATIVE observation in comparrison is more in depth ie you would get qualitative data from one on one in depth interveiws A quantitavive observation uses numbers and measurements to describe something. for example 3 cm (centimeters) 0.7643 mm(millimeters)