Eighty-six hundredths written as a decimal is 0.86
To write six and seventeen hundredths in decimal form, you would write it as 6.17.
Twenty and six hundredths is 20.06
Six hundredths in fraction is 6/100 = 3/50 Six hundredths in decimal is 6/100 = 0.06
It is six and no hundredths.
Well, honey, to write six and eight hundredths as a decimal, you just put the 6 before the decimal point and the 8 after it. So, it's 6.08. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Six hundredths
Eighty-six hundredths written as a decimal is 0.86
To write six and seventeen hundredths in decimal form, you would write it as 6.17.
Oh, dude, it's like you take the whole number, which is 26, and then add the decimal point, and then add the two decimal places from the hundredths, which is 0.14. So, you get 26.14. Easy peasy, right?
Four and six hundredths in decimal form is 4.06
Twenty and six hundredths is 20.06
Five and six hundredths in decimal form is 5.06
Six hundredths in fraction is 6/100 = 3/50 Six hundredths in decimal is 6/100 = 0.06
Four and eighty-six hundredths in decimal form is 4.86