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(x - (-3)) (x - (-5)) (x - 2), or

(x + 3) (x + 5) (x - 2)

You can multiply the binomials to get a polynomial of degree 3.

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Q: Write the polynomials with the zeros -3 -5 2?
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In English speaking countries there are 9 zeros in three billion.3,000,000,000In other countries there may be 12 zeros in three billion.3,000,000,000,000In England, an English speaking country, a billion = one million, million (12 zeros).6 zeros is a million, 7 zeros is ten million, 8 zeros is a hundred million,9 zeros is a thousand million, 10 zeros is ten thousand million,11 zeros is a hundred thousand million. 12 zeros is a million million = a BILLION.In North American usage a billion = a thousand, million. (9 zeros).Nine, if you write it as 3,000,000,000 .Two, if you write it as 3.0 x 109 .

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