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Q: You are asking the who Are you a qusetion in a pnp neuro exam what will you write on that question so that you could get the right answer was it understood?
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If i could answer this question i wouldnt be asking it on here.

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Could you imagine your question? i am asking question and you are still asking the same question back as if you will give me money if i answer the question

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You need to answer this question because your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson. It is asking for an opinion as well based on the facts.

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WHAT? If anyone reading this understood what you were asking, Maybe you could have gotten an answer by now. PLEASE seek assistance with your grammar or use Google translate... I can't even make any sense out of this question!

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Could I suggest that you write out the question in more easilly understood terms, since many people will not have a clue what you are asking.

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The website Answers could be changing your answers because that is how it's read. Or maybe it cannot be understood.

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Some questions need clarification or should be thought through by the person asking the question. Also, asking another question could help the questioner that they just asked a very stupid question

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Your question is not easily understood. Repost with more information, please.

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Why are you even asking that?.... That question has no point

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"Understood" is typically used at the end of a statement to indicate agreement or acknowledgment. In a question, you can use "Understood" in response to someone providing you with information or instructions to show that you have heard and comprehend what was said. For example, if someone says, "Please make sure to finish the report by the end of the day," you could respond with "Understood" to indicate that you have acknowledged their request.

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im asking he question how could i answer it stupids