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Q: You are out on a hike and you notice that the line of telephone wires you have been following along a slope is crooked. Two of the posts are much farther down slope then the others. What has likely oc?
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Can a 100 dollar bill be printed crooked?

It's possible, yes, but it's more likely to be cut crooked.

Will a bone grow straight after being broke and having a bend in it for a while i broke my forearm when i was 13 and i am 15 now will if fully straighten out?

If it healed crooked it will most likely remain crooked.

Who will the telephone help?

The telephone will help everyone more likely businesses or mass groups of people

How do you spell crocked?

The likely word is "crooked" (not straight, or dishonest).The similar word is the noun crock, a container.

Would a crooked tongue web piercing straighten out after it heals?

If its swollen, it can look crooked. So yes, that should straighten out once the swellings gone. If it looks crooked immediately after piercing it, its most likely going to stay like that. If it really bothers you, talk to the piercer about getting it repierced.

If you have a crooked pinky on your hand does that mean your smart?

No. Having a crroked pinky means you, most likely need medical treatment.

What is the possibility of having a curved nose when both your parents have a straight nose?

It depends on what your grandparents (and great grandparents) noses are like. Your parents could have genes for straight and crooked noses but only the straight nose genes are being expressed. But they could pass on the crooked nose genes to you and you would have a crooked nose. Since the crooked nose gene is recessive you are more likely to have a straight nose, especially since both your parents have them.

Is it normal if your uterus is crooked?

No such thing. Actually, there is. I am pregnant with my first child and at my first visit with the OB, she told me my uterus is crooked and most of it is on the left side. She said it is nothing to worry about, though, and will most likely straighten out as the baby gets bigger.

Whose Telephone is 02073451237?

Likely to be TalkTalk tryng to sell you something...

Who is likely to end up with hereditry gout if the farther has it .Is hereditry gout past down from the farther.?

some people have a hereditary condition making them more susceptible to gout

The farther you live from an ocea the more likely will be a what?

The farther you live from an ocean, the less likely you are to experience the moderating effect of oceanic temperatures. This can lead to more extreme temperature fluctuations and a higher likelihood of experiencing continental climates with hotter summers and colder winters.

What does it mean when all your fingers are crooked?

It can be caused by a number of things, I have had crooked fingers since i was born. It can be because of your family history. There are also a number of disorders that can cause this. I would check with your doctor to find out for sure but it most likely is nothing serious, but I'm no doctor.