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Q: You found this enscribed on the front of a tie pin the numbers were below the letters in the spaces EK 83 GM 52 T 245 IBM406 X 96 RCA?
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How many words is 20000 characters with spaces?

That would depend on which words you use (as they have different numbers of letters).

What has 16 letters and 3 spaces?

A very witty answer DO YOU GET IT... IT HAS 16 LETTERS AND 3 SPACES

What is the longest amount of letters a race horse can have in its name?

18 spaces, and this includes letters, spaces and symbols.

What are the advantages of bar codes?

Barcodes consist of bars in spaces that vary in width. These bars and spaces correspond to numbers and letters that represent descriptive data. This allows scanning to quickly identity the item being scanned.

How many combinations do you get when you have three letters and three numbers?

720 is the number of ways to combine three known letters and three known numbers.For example, the letters A, B & C and the numbers 1, 2 & 3. The total combinations of these 6 characters is:(6 options)*(5 options)*(4)*(3)*(2)*(1) = 720.However, if the three numbers and three letters are unknown and any number or letter is possible, and repeated numbers or letters are acceptable (such as with a license plate), then the total possibilities for each "space" are multiplied together:(26 possibilities)*(26 possibilities)*(26 possibilities)*(10 possibilities)*(10 " ")*(10 " ") = 17,576,000 combinations.That is, there are 26 letters in the alphabet and 10 numbers (0 thru 9).This is assuming that three of the six spaces spaces are reserved for letters and three spaces are reservedfor numbers.If the combination can be any three letters and any three numbers where different combinations are made by changing whether each space contains a number or a letter, then the answer becomes a product and sum of different choose functions and is much more complicated...

What does alpha numeric mean on an application?

It means that in some place of the application any type of symbol is accepted - letters, numbers, spaces, special symbols.

What are the advantages of bar code scanning?

Barcodes consist of bars in spaces that vary in width. These bars and spaces correspond to numbers and letters that represent descriptive data. This allows scanning to quickly identity the item being scanned.

What is the longest question on WikiAnswers?

200 Characters Is the Limit200 characters (i.e., letters, numbers, spaces and symbols) is the limit. There are a number of questions of this exact length on WikiAnswers.

How many different licence plates can be made if the first three spaces have to be letters and the last three spaces have to be 1-digit numbers?

26 x 26 x 26 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 17576000

Why is there only 18 letters in an horse name?

To make sure it doesn't get too long, they made a rule that it can only have 18 Characters including spaces, numbers, etc.

Do you type in all 16 numbers and the spaces when using a mastercard?

type in all the numbers WITHOUT any spaces

What is the difference between words and characters?

I've always wanted to know this and I finally realized the answer. Characters include all the symbols, numbers and letters. Including spaces is up to you. Example: Symbols~, . / < > ? :" ;'{} [] !@#$%^&*()_+- Numbers 0123456789 Letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Count each and every symbol, number and letter. Hey dude! with spaces=9 characters without=8 characters Words, I think you know what it is right? Hey dude! words= 2