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Q: You only work here implies that one is not personally accountable for the company rules since 1 does not make them?
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Why should you be accountable to others?

Because, if we were accountable to no-one, anarchy would rule ! Every site has its own rules. People need to make themselves aware of what is, and is not allowed.

What are the basic company rules and regulations?

The basic company rules and regulations are quite simple. One must be loyal to the company and serve its customers to the best of their ability.

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The similarity is be responsible and accountable for your actions. An example:One Hammurabi law stated if a building fell and injured or killed the occupant,the builder was directly accountable and could have a member of their own family sacrificed for the shoddy construction

Why did you get terminated?

Violation of company rules

Is buying money for RuneScape safe?

No. It is against the rules, and this implies that: (1) You can get a ban for breaking the rules. (2) The companies you buy gold coins from are likely unscrupulous individuals (or companies); they are not very trustworthy.

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Disobedient refers to someone who does not follow rules, commands, or instructions. It implies a lack of compliance with authority or a refusal to adhere to established guidelines.

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are the rules of the company

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Becayse Jonny Depp rules Becayse Jonny Depp rules

Will you comply with the company laid down rules and regulations?

All companies have rules and regulations. If you want to be hired, or keep your job, it is best to follow all rules and regulations.

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If you are 17 years of age can your mother be held accountable for your truancy?

Your Mother cannot be held accountable for your truancy!! My Step Daughter who is 16 soon to be 17 can quit school if she wants. I live in Michigan and that is what they do here. So you are accountable for your truancy!! When i was 17 my parents were held accountable even when i wasnt living with them and this is in texas. they wont fine you but they can put you on probation or send you to juvy if you dont go by the rules. they give your parents the $500 fine. so watch it im 18 now and theyre still trying to file it on me.

What rules impact a business' Accounting Information System?

The CPA rules, the tax laws, and the rules set by company management and Board of Directors.