The original price was $6.88
The original price is 23.00, as 13.80 is 60% of it.
$312.49 ; here's how: You have original price is 100%, final price = original price - discount amount, and discount amount = original price * discount percent.So Final price = original price - original price * discount percent = (Original price)*(100 % - discount percent).249.99 = P0 * (100%-20%) = P0 * (0.80) ---> P0 = 249.99 / 0.80 = 312.4875
34% discount
Percentage discount = 100*(1 - sale price/original price)
The original price was 120.00
The original price was $6.88
If Greg got a 30% discount, he paid 70% of the original price- if they only ask for the percentage of the original price, the actual original price is irrelevant.
The original price is 23.00, as 13.80 is 60% of it.
Paying 90% of the original price.
If the discounted price is $35, then you must reverse the process to find the original price. The original price would be 38.99 dollars.