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Q: You toss 3 coins what is the probability that at least 1 tail is tossed?
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When 2 coins are tossed what is the probability of a head and a tail?


If nine fair coins are tossed what is the probability of obtaining at least one head and at least one tail using the complement formula?

255/256 (complement formula)

What is the probability of getting 2 tails if 2 fair coins are tossed if one of them is already a tail?


Six coins are tossed what is probablity of at least one tail?


Suppose six coins are flipped then the probality of getting at least one tail?

The probability of getting at least one tail in a flip of six coins is the same as the probability of not getting all heads, which is 1 - (0.56), or 0.984375.

When 2 coins are tossed simultaneously what is probabiliy of getting atleast two heads?

At least two heads with two coins? You can't get more.There are 4 different outcomes:tail-tail, head-tail, tail-head and head-head.You can use one out of four - which gives us the probability 1/4 = 0.25 = 25%

What is the probability of getting one tail if you tossed 3 coins?

Three coins can come up in (2 x 2 x 2) = 8 different ways.One tail can come up in 3 different ways . . . one for each coin.The probability of one tail is (3/8) = 0.375 = 37.5%

What is the probability of tossing a tail when a coin is tossed twice?


Probability of getting both head and tail simultaneously when a coin is tossed?

The probability is 50-50.

What is the probability of getting a tail if a coin is tossed twice?

75%. There are 3 possible ways of getting at least one tail from 2 tosses from a coin:Tail & Tail orHead & Tail orTail & HeadEach of these individual outcomes has a probability of 25% (e.g. the probability of getting a tail and then another tail is 25%). Adding the possible outcomes together gives you a total of 75%.

Suppose three coins are tossed what is the probability of tossing more than one tail?

n(S)=8 let A be the event that more than one tail appears n(A)=4 so,P(A)=4\8=0.5

What is the probability of getting two head and one tail if a coin is tossed 3 times?

the probability of getting one head and one tail on three flips of a coin is 1/9