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Whatever color your eyes are, because I said you were the bus driver!

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Q: Youre a bus driver on an empty bus 4 people get on then 3 get off 6 people get on then 2 get off 7 people get on then 3 get off What color are the bus drivers eyes?
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no not really, but they don't look bad either. it doesnt matter what color you are to be a good dancer, whichever way youre dancing...NO you don't have to be black or tan to be a good dancer, sexy dancer, pole dancer, anything. it all depends on the skill of the person dancing, not the color. it shouldn't matter what color you are, some people think darker people look better, others think lighter people look better. me personally...i don't look at their skin color. if youre getting racist comments on your skin color when you dance, just ignore them, theyre just jealous because youre a better dancer. so don't worry what color you are! just dance!

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YOu are driving a bus Four people get on three people get off then eight people get on and ten people get off then 6 people get on What color are the bus driver eyes?

Whatever color your eyes are.

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What is the answer to the riddle GSTM?

The buss drivers eyes are what ever color your eyes are you are the driver If you still don't get it think about it for a while re read the riddle and think a little harder!

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bcos youre dumb I agree (ilovecountry314)

You are a bus driver Two kids get on and one kid gets off Five kids get on and four get off Nine kids get on another one gets off What color are the bus drivers eyes?

Whatever color the answerer's eyes are. In my case, green.