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Q: Is the process of using one base file for two or more parallel activities like customization?
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What activities are involved in the process of computing?

Computing is the act of using a computer. This can be anything from gaming, surfing the web, to banking. There are numerous activities that people perform using the computer.

What does it mean when a processor can process in parallel?

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Its really so easy to distinguish between the concurrent & parallel threads that A parallel thread is the thread maintained the parallel processing system including the process sheduling system is quite murcible. Where as the concurrent threading is the way of manupulation of a thread using simultaneous process threading. It would be be quite better if the book named "Galvin & Siberscartz" book of "Operating System" the chapter process & threads would be followed for maximum details.

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This parallel circuit should actually be in series.

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What is the ''time complexity'' of matrix multiplication?

i hope so its answer will be o(n) due to parallel computation. using mpi we have to communicate one process to the another so mostly it will be like tat.... not sure...