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Q: What is a bobsled's maximum speed in feet per second?
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Idle speed at 5mph.

Jesse is traveling at a speed of 105 miles per hour - what is his speed in feet per second?

Jesse is traveling at 154 feet per second.

How do you convert speed in feet per second into meters per second?

Multiply feet per second by 0.3048 to get meters per second.

How fast does light travel in feet?

Light travels at a speed of approximately 983,571,056 feet per second in a vacuum.

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Molly jogged at a rate of 6 mph what was her speed in feet per second?

8.8 feet per second.

How do you determine feet per second?

To determine feet per second, divide the distance in feet by the time in seconds it takes to cover that distance. The formula for calculating speed is Speed = Distance / Time. For example, if an object travels 60 feet in 10 seconds, the speed would be 60 feet / 10 seconds = 6 feet per second.

If you ran 100 feet in 10 seconds what was your speed?

100 feet in 10 seconds gives an average speed of 10 feet per second.

What is the maximum speed you may operate a vessel with in 100 feet of a dock?

6 knots

What is the maximum speed when driving within 25 feet of a parked aircraft?

5 mph

What was the maximum speed of Concorde?

The maximum operational cruising speed of the Concorde was about 2170 km/h (1350 mph), more than twice the speed of sound at the Cocorde's normal altitude of around 60,000 feet.