Thirty two decimeters is the same length as three hundred and twenty centimeters. They are both equal to 3.2 meters.
Thirty-three quadrillion, three hundred thirty-three trillion, three hundred thirty-three billion, three hundred thirty-three million, three hundred thirty-three thousand, three hundred thirty-three hundred-quadrillionths.
One hundred thirty-two
330,000 in word form is three hundred thirty thousand.
Seven hundred thirty thousand, four hundred is 730,400.
Four hundred thirty.
Yes because deci means ten and centi means one so three decimeters is thirty plus the two centimeters is 3.2 decimeters wich is equivlent to 32 centimeters
There are 300 centimeters in 3 meters, as 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters.
Six meters = six hundred centimeters,divided by thirty (thirty centimeters = one foot) = twenty feet.
Divide by 100 to get the answer, 1.3 meters.
One hundred thirty thousand, six hundred.
Thirty-three quadrillion, three hundred thirty-three trillion, three hundred thirty-three billion, three hundred thirty-three million, three hundred thirty-three thousand, three hundred thirty-three hundred-quadrillionths.
Thirty hundred is written as '3,000'.
One hundred thirty-two
there are no meters in thirty centimeters. the question should be "how many centimeter are in a meter"...
330,000 in word form is three hundred thirty thousand.
Three hundred thirty-three thousand three hundred thirty-three point three three three.
Six hundred thousand, Four hundred and Thirty-Nine.