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Not if you include negative numbers.

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Q: Are choosing a multiple of 5 and choosing a number less than 5 mutually exclusive?
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If your question was really "Are 3 and 1 mutually prime?" The answer is no as by definition nothing can be mutually prime with 1 (which also by definition is not a prime number). The first prime number is 2. The second is 3. The third is 5. The fourth is 7. The fifth is 11. etc. However numbers can be "mutually prime" even when the numbers themselves are not prime numbers. For example 12 and 6 are neither mutually prime nor prime numbers, but 15 and 4 are mutually prime but neither is a prime number.

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It makes no sense to ask for the greatest common multiple of two numbers. If the numbers are two and three, a common multiple is 2 x 3 x any number you like ! Since the third number can be as big as you choose, so there is no limit to a g.c.m.You probably meant to ask for the least common multiple. Since 12 and 37 are mutually prime, the l.c.m is just 12 x 37 or 444.

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Any number that is not a multiple of 7.Any number that is not a multiple of 7.Any number that is not a multiple of 7.Any number that is not a multiple of 7.

If the friends shake hands mutually then the total number of hand shakes is?
