Fractions can be simplified when the numerator and denominator have a common factor in them. If both the numerator and denominator have common factors, then we can cancel these factors out. So the simplest for of 18/56 is 9/28.
Mixed Blood - film - was created on 1985-10-18.
The GCF of a prime number and a composite number is 1 if the former is not a factor of the latter. 73 is a prime number and 18 is a composite number and 73 is not a factor of 18 because 18 is not divisible by 73. So, GCF(73, 18) = 1.
Peyton Manning wears the number 18.
no that can be simplified into simply 1 if it was a mixed the top number (numerator) would be bigger than the bottom(denominator)
A mixed number can be formed only when the numerator of the fraction is greater than the denominator. That is, when the fraction is an improper fraction. 18/52 cannot be converted into a mixed number but it can be simplified as both the numerator and denominator are divisible by 2. 18/52 = 9/26
No, it cannot be made into a mixed number because the numerator (18) is smaller than the denominator (45), therefore its value is less than 1.It can be simplified, though.Divide numerator and denominator by 9: 18/45 = 2/5
11/18 cannot be simplified - 11 is a prime number !
120 over 18 as a mixed number = 62/3
The mixed number for 18 over 4 is 41/2
The mixed number of 18 over 5 is 33/5
45 over 18 as a mixed number = 21/2
518 over 18 as a mixed number is: 287/9
18 over 11 as a mixed number = 17/11
65/18 as a mixed number is 3 and 11/18
It is: 18/3 = 6 and can't be a mixed number