Yes, the greatest common factor of two different prime numbers is always 1
If you construct them correctly, factor trees always work to determine the prime factorization of a number. Once you compare the prime factorizations of two or more numbers, it is relatively easy to find the greatest common factor of them from there.
Always even.
No, but it's always an even number.
The greatest common denominator of any set of denominators is infinite.
Yes, the least common multiple of two numbers is always divisible by those numbers' greatest common factor.
You must have at least two whole numbers to determine a greatest common factor.
You must have at least two whole numbers to determine a greatest common factor.
You must have at least two whole numbers to determine a greatest common factor.
You must have at least two whole numbers to determine a greatest common factor.
You must have at least two whole numbers to determine a greatest common factor.
You must have at least two whole numbers to determine a greatest common factor.
Yes, the greatest common factor of two different prime numbers is always 1
This cannot be properly answered. You must have at least two whole numbers to determine a greatest common factor.
If you construct them correctly, factor trees always work to determine the prime factorization of a number. Once you compare the prime factorizations of two or more numbers, it is relatively easy to find the greatest common factor of them from there.