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Rottweilers have the second strongest. Pit bulls are the top for strongest bites, mostly because of their best known trait their lock jaw. They bit and lock, but i have to wonder, why do you want to know? I hope you are not fighting dogs, because if you are i hope your dog turns on you and really hurts you because you need to feel what that dogs feels everytime he steps in that fighting pit if you aren't then theres what you wanted to know and always know the temperment of a dog before buying a certain breed.

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Q: Do rottweilers have the strongest bite?
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Which kennel has the strongest pit bulls with the strongest bite?

Research pitbulls bloodline that have hard mouth.Than after you know what to look for. Buy it !!!Simple

What is the strongest polygon?

triangle is the strongest polygon

What is one of the strongest countries?

It depends on what you mean by "strongest".Strongest by military? Diplomacy? Trade? Economy?The strongest military country is China.The strongest diplomatic country is the United Kingdom.The strongest trade country is a tie between the United Kingdom and Canada.The strongest economical country is the United States.The strongest sporting country is Australia.The strongest illegal exports country is Afghanistan.The strongest eco-friendly country is a tie between Norway, United Kingdom and Germany.The strongest precious stones producing country is Columbia.The strongest educational country is South Korea.The strongest scientific country is Finland.The strongest freedom and equality country is a tie between Iceland and Norway.The strongest peaceful country is Iceland.The strongest agricultural country is India.The strongest recycling country is Israel.The strongest technologically advanced country is Japan.The strongest corrupt country is North Korea.The strongest country by income and finance is Monaco.The strongest country by gas production/ownership is Russia.The strongest country by oil production/ownership is Russia.The strongest country by diamond production/ownership is Russia.The strongest country by size is Russia.The strongest country by air-force is a tie between United States, United Kingdom and Russia.The strongest country by navy is a tie between the United Kingdom and China.The strongest country by land army is China.The strongest country by motor army is China.The strongest country by warheads (missiles) is a draw between China, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, North Korea and France.

What is the strongest benzo?

xanax....but clonazepam is strongest in canada

What is the strongest figure?

the strongest figure is Joe Zombie

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Which breed has the strongest jaws rottweilers dogo argntinos or presa canarios?

The Dogo Argentino is known to have the strongest jaws among the three breeds mentioned. They were bred for hunting large game, so they have a powerful bite force. Rottweilers and Presa Canarios also have strong jaws, but they typically do not match the bite force of the Dogo Argentino.

Are Rottweilers or German Shepherds stronger?

Rottweilers have a stronger (more pressure) bite. Proven by national geographic.

Who has the strongest bite in the animal kingdom?

The great white shark has the strongest bite in the world. It also turns out that its bite is not only the strongest bite now, but the strongest there has ever been :)

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The crocodile has the strongest bite in the globe.

Does the crocodile have the strongest bite?

yes crocodiles have the strongest bite of any living animal

How powerful is a rottweilers bite?

pretty powerful i dont know exactly

Does tortoise has the strongest bite?

snapping turtles have strong bite i dont know about the strongest tho

What dogs have the strongest bite?

1st. Bull Mastiff 2nd. Rottweiler 3rd. German Sheperd 4th. English Bull Terrier Contrary to popular belief the pitbull does NOT have the strongest bite force. It is something you would try to avoid though. Aww Bull Mastiffs are soo cute if you buy one try to get the ones with the long snout there more chilled out and garantee they wont hurt you

Why do rottweilers bite pregnant women?

Because Rottweilers love big breasts and milk. The best way for a dog to get milk is to bite pregnant women and drink the milk from their enlarged breasts when the women are lying down bleeding after being bitten. Rottweilers are not to blame they are just trying to get food, similar to Aladdin when he steals food for his monkey. For more facts go to

Do tortoises has the strongest bite?

No, there is other animals with stronger bite forces but the alligator snapping turtle is in the list of the top 20 strongest bite forces, the animal with the most powerful bite is the saltwater crocodile

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No. The Great White Shark is the animal with the strongest bite force in the world. Even alligators and crocodiles have a more powerful bite force than a bear.

Which mammal has the strongest bite force?

The Orcinus orca holds the record as the strongest mammal bite force although it is not 100% clear, and it is based on happening incidents at f.e. Sea World. But the actual known and *recorded* bite force is one of the Crocodilus porosus, also known as the saltwater crocodile. The strongest crocodile bite force is of TIL's with a bite force of 5,000 pounds per square inch (psi). The *thought* and *not clear* orca bite force is 13,000 pounds per square inch (psi).