It can be. 78 is a factor of 156.
Greatest common factor of 78 and 286 is 26.
Here are pairs of numbers with 6 as their greatest common factor: 6, 18 12, 30 120, 126 306, 318 6 and 12
The factor pairs of 51 are (1,51) and (17,3)
(1, 78) (2, 39) (3, 26) (6, 13)
1 and 78 2 and 39 3 and 26 6 and 13
78 = 1 x 7878 = 2 x 3978 = 3 x 2678 = 6 x 13
It can be. 78 is a factor of 156.
Yes. Factor pairs are always repeated across pairs since factor pairs are certain kinds of pairs.
6 and 13 6 and 39
The greatest common factor of 78 and 546 is 78.
the factor pairs are 1x35 & 5x7
The factor pairs of 28 are :28,114,27,4