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Anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock is very common. It is the typical allergic reaction that people have when they come in any kind of contact with an allergen. Usually, they have difficulty breathing, parts or all their body starts to swell up,...

They usually have an Epipen or a Twinject on them and they contain epinephrine, a drug used for anaphylactic shock.

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Q: How common is anaphylaxis?
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How is anaphylaxis treated?

The emergency condition of anaphylaxis is treated with injection of adrenaline, also known as epinephrine.

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The most common adverse reactions to Penicillin are: rash, drug fever, serum sickness, anaphylaxis, neuropathy, and nephropathy.

What doctor studies anaphylaxis?

An allergist or immunologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of anaphylaxis, a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. They are trained to identify triggers, provide preventative measures, and offer appropriate treatment options for patients with anaphylaxis.

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How are anaphylactic allergy caused?

The main cause of anaphylaxis is allergies. The body is made to fight disease and infection, but those with anaphylaxis, their body can not fight off these things easily. Some medications, foods, and bugs can set off a persons anaphylaxis.

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What is the definition of an Anaphylaxis?

Hypersensitivity to a second dose of antigen.

An exaggerated or unusual hypersensitivity to foreign protein or other substance?

This condition is known as an allergy, where the immune system overreacts to a harmless substance (allergen) as if it were a threat. Common allergic reactions include sneezing, itching, hives, and in severe cases, anaphylaxis. Treatment may involve avoiding the allergen, medication, or allergy shots to desensitize the immune system.

What is it called when your throat closes up?

Constricted throat? ____________________ Sometimes your throat will close up because of a mild irritant in the air. A more severe reaction is called anaphylaxis, and it happens when exposed to an allergen (a substance you are allergic to). Anaphylaxis can cause several symptoms including rashes, and it can cause constriction of the throat. Anaphylaxis can be a serious and even life-threatening reaction. The link lists some of the more common things that some people are allergic to. Some people have a constriction reaction to chocolate and other products containing caffeine.