It's kind of an inverse relationship. The product of the GCF and LCM of two numbers is the same as the product of the original two numbers, so as the GCF increases, the LCM decreases and vice versa. LCM is divisable by HCF.
Depends on what it is asking for.
To find the LCM of 110 and 20, you first need to break them up into their prime factors: 110 = 2x5x11 20 = 2x2x5 The next step is to identify the HCF. In this case the HCF will be 2x5 = 10. To find the LCM you multiply the numbers together and divide by the HCF: 110x20/10 = 220. Thus the LCM of 110 and 20 is 220.
lcm(9, 12) = 36; hcf(9, 12) = 3.
It is: 12
27 and 108 respectively
HCF of 12 and 18 is 6 and LCM of 108 and 72 is 216 So: 6 times 216 = 1296
For any two counting numbers x and y:LCM(x, y) x HCF(x, y) = Product of x and yLCM(x, y) = (Product of x and y)/HCF(x, y)Here, we have 108 and 135 & their product = 108 x 135But, HCF(108, 135) = ?So, we shall first calculate HCF by the method of prime factorization.108 = 33x22 & 135 = 33x51It is clear that 33 is the HCF of 108 and 135.So, LCM(108, 135) = (108 x 135)/33 = 4 x 135 = 540
22 x 33 is the prime factorization of 108. If you have another prime factorization, we can find a GCF and an LCM between the two.
LCM = Product/HCF = 384
Its is 12
if the product of two numbers is 810 if there hcf is 9 find Lcm
Yes: product of a & b = LCM x HCF so b = (LCM x HCF)/a
You cannot. The numbers 2 and 12 have hcf = 2 and LCM = 12 The numbers 4 and 6 also have hcf = 2 and LCM = 12 So if you just knew the hcf and LCM you would not know which of the two was the required pair.
HCF of 17 and 68 is 17 ..( Lowest Prime factor ) LCM Of 102 and 476 is 7*2^2*3*17 which is 1428 .. ==> Sum of HCF and LCM are 1428+17= 1445 .
LCM is 20 and the hcf is 10