The HCF of 108 and 336 is 12
It is 12
Divide the product of the original numbers by 108, the LCM. The result will be the GCF.
The greatest common factor of 240 and 336 is 48.
If there is a remainder of 2 then number will divide 2 less than 110 (= 108) and 128 (=126) and be the largest such number. Thus need the hcf of 108 and 126: 108 = 22 x 33 126 = 2 x 32 x 7 hcf = 2 x 32 = 18 Thus 18 is the greatest number which will divide 110 and 128 with a remainder of 2 in each case.
The HCF of 108 and 336 is 12
4 and 336, respectively.
The Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 336 and 384 is the largest number that divides both 336 and 384 without leaving a remainder. To find the HCF, you can use the Euclidean algorithm, which involves dividing the larger number by the smaller number, then using the remainder as the divisor in the next iteration. Continuing this process will eventually lead to a remainder of 0, at which point the divisor will be the HCF. In this case, the HCF of 336 and 384 is 48.
27 and 108 respectively
The HCF of the numbers 540 and 108 is 108.
It is 36
It is: 12
It is 12
For any two counting numbers x and y:LCM(x, y) x HCF(x, y) = Product of x and yLCM(x, y) = (Product of x and y)/HCF(x, y)Here, we have 108 and 135 & their product = 108 x 135But, HCF(108, 135) = ?So, we shall first calculate HCF by the method of prime factorization.108 = 33x22 & 135 = 33x51It is clear that 33 is the HCF of 108 and 135.So, LCM(108, 135) = (108 x 135)/33 = 4 x 135 = 540