That is not what prime factorization is for.
Finding the LCM will make adding and subtracting fractions easier.
The smallest number that you can subtract from 85232 to make it a multiple of 9 is 2
Ounces are a measure of volume or weigh, not length.
7.12 dry ounces.
1.8125 pounds.
Using a container graduated in ounces that can hold the toy, fill the container with X ounces of water. Submerge the toy into the container of water and note new water level in ounces. Subtract first reading from the second reading.
1 pound is equal to 16 ounces. Therefore, when you subtract 12 ounces from 1 pound, you are left with 4 ounces.
You have to convert the 1lb 5oz to all ounces and then subtract: 1lb 5oz = 21oz; 21oz - 12oz = 9oz
Find out how many ounces were in it when it was full, then dump it out and measure that, and subtract that amount from the original.
The result of subtracting 3 cups 6 ounces from 8 cups 3 ounces is 4 cups 9 ounces.
215 pounds 6 ounces minus 209 pounds 8 ounces = 5.9 pounds OR 5 pounds 14.4 ounces.
5pounds 10ounces = 4pounds 26ounces4pounds 13ounces = 4pounds 13ouncesSubtract. . . . . . . 0pounds 13ounces
Since 1 pound is equal to 16 ounces, we can convert 11 pounds 5 ounces into 181 ounces ((11 x 16) +5) and we can convert 1 pound 15 ounces into 31 ounces. All we need to do now is to subtract 31 from 181 (= 150 ounces) Once you convert this back into pounds you get: 9 pounds and .375 of a pound. .375 converts to 6 ounces. Answer: 9 pounds 6 ounces
The idea here is that, to be able to subtract the ounces, you "borrow" from the pounds. In other words, in 13 lb 7 oz, you take away one pound, and add the equivalent (16 ounces) to the 7 ounces. After doing this change, you can easily subtract.
12 ounces