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The Babylonian numeral system was sexagesimal (base-60), so you would need to use the Babylonian numerals 1, 46 and 25 to represent 6385. Each value represents an increasing power of 60 from the right (in the same way that decimal systems represent increasing powers of 10 from the right).

That is:

25 x 1 = 25

46 x 60 = 2760

1 x 60 x 60 = 3600

3600 + 2760 + 25 = 6385

Unfortunately, the symbols themselves cannot be presented in this forum. See related links below to view the actual symbols used to represent the individual values for 1 to 59. Although there was no symbol for zero, a space was used as a positional place-holder. Unfortunately, this meant there was no radix point to indicate the units position, so 6385 might have meant 6385x60, or 6385x60x60 or even 6385/60, depending on the context.

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