Every number is divisible by any non-zero number. However, 75 is not evenly divisible by 8.
5 x 5 x 3Divide 75 by a prime number, in this case, it is 5.75/5 = 15We continue to divide 15 by a prime number, either 5 or 3So we are left with 5 X 5 X 3 = 75
75(14-35) is equal to -1,575.
15 and 25
Multiply the number by successive counting numbers.
Multiply the number by 0.75
You change the percent to decimal form, then multiply. For example, if you want to multiply 75 x 15% you multiply 75 x .15, which = 11.25
Multiply by 0.3048
Take a number and multiply it by .75
1/2 = 50% 1/4 = 25% divide the top number by the bottom number and multiply by 100. 3/4 = .75 multiply by 100 = 75% 33/34 = .970 multiply by 100 = 97%
Multiply by 1000
To find 75 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.75. In this instance, 0.75 x 800 = 600. Therefore, 75 percent of 800 is 600.
To find 75 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.75. In this instance, 0.75 x 128 = 96. Therefore, 75 percent of 128 is equal to 96.
You recognise that 20% is one-fifth so you multiply 75 by 5...
Adding the same number twice l like 75+75=150
Multiply the number by 100.Add a percentage sign.
If 50 percent (half) of a number is 125, then the number is 250 (125 * 2). To find 75 percent of 250, multiply 250 * .75: (250 * .75 = 187.5)