South Africa has an area of 1,221,037 sq km and a population of about 53 million. Nigeria has an area of 923,768 sq km and a population of about 175 million. So, South Africa is bigger in area, but Nigeria is bigger in population.
1. Asia - 17,139,445 square miles (44,391,162 square km)2. Africa - 11,677,239 square miles (30,244,049 square km)3. North America - 9,361,791 square miles (24,247,039 square km)4. South America - 6,880,706 square miles (17,821,029 square km)5. Antarctica - 5,500,000 square miles (14,245,000 square km)6. Europe - 3,997,929 square miles (10,354,636 square km)7. Australia - 2,967,909 square miles (7,686,884 square km)
South Africa is a country in the continent of Africa, therefore Africa has a larger area (about 30.2 million km²) than South Africa alone (1,221,037 km2). South Africa contributes to about 4% of the total area of Africa.
1,221,037 km²471,443 sq mi
The area of Western Australia is 2,525,500 sq km while the area of South Africa is 1,221,037 sq km. Therefore, South Africa would fit into Western Australia just over twice (2.068 times).
South Africa - 41 people/km2
The area of the Republic of South Africa is 1,221,037 sq km. 1 sq km = 1000x 1000 = 1,000,000 sq meters. In square meters the area is thus 1,221,037,000,000
South Africa is 1,219,090 Km square. South Australia has a total land area (including islands) of 983 482 sq km.
Here is a ranking of continents by size. Africa is larger than Antarctica:1. Asia - 17,139,445 square miles (44,391,162 square km)2. Africa - 11,677,239 square miles (30,244,049 square km)3. North America - 9,361,791 square miles (24,247,039 square km)4. South America - 6,880,706 square miles (17,821,029 square km)5. Antarctica - About 5,500,000 square miles (14,245,000 square km)6. Europe - 3,997,929 square miles (10,354,636 square km)7. Australia - 2,967,909 square miles (7,686,884 square km)
The three largest continents by size are:1. Asia - 17,139,445 square miles (44,391,162 square km)2. Africa - 11,677,239 square miles (30,244,049 square km)3. North America - 9,361,791 square miles (24,247,039 square km)
South Africa has an area of 1,221,037 sq km and a population of about 53 million. Nigeria has an area of 923,768 sq km and a population of about 175 million. So, South Africa is bigger in area, but Nigeria is bigger in population.
1. Asia - 17,139,445 square miles (44,391,162 square km)2. Africa - 11,677,239 square miles (30,244,049 square km)3. North America - 9,361,791 square miles (24,247,039 square km)4. South America - 6,880,706 square miles (17,821,029 square km)5. Antarctica - About 5,500,000 square miles (14,245,000 square km)6. Europe - 3,997,929 square miles (10,354,636 square km)7. Australia - 2,967,909 square miles (7,686,884 square km)
about 30.2 million km square
Istanbul, Turkey, to Virginia, South Africa, = 7686.475 Km
1. Asia - 17,139,445 square miles (44,391,162 square km)2. Africa - 11,677,239 square miles (30,244,049 square km)3. North America - 9,361,791 square miles (24,247,039 square km)4. South America - 6,880,706 square miles (17,821,029 square km)5. Antarctica - 5,500,000 square miles (14,245,000 square km)6. Europe - 3,997,929 square miles (10,354,636 square km)7. Australia - 2,967,909 square miles (7,686,884 square km)
South Africa is a country in the continent of Africa, therefore Africa has a larger area (about 30.2 million km²) than South Africa alone (1,221,037 km2). South Africa contributes to about 4% of the total area of Africa.