There are1219090 square kilometers (470693 squaremiles) in South Africa
The area of the Republic of South Africa is 1,221,037 sq km. 1 sq km = 1000x 1000 = 1,000,000 sq meters. In square meters the area is thus 1,221,037,000,000
Africa's total area is 11.67 million sq miles (30.22 million km²)
The African continent covers an area of 30,221,532 km2
The African continent covers an area of 30,221,532 km2
South Africa is 1,219,090 Km square. South Australia has a total land area (including islands) of 983 482 sq km.
Africa. Sudan has an area of 2376000 square km then DRC Congo with an area of 2267000 square kilometers
Kenya's land area is approximately 224,081 square miles.
The area of Africa is about 30,200,000 square kilometers.Africa approximately covers 30,221,000 sq km (11,679,000 sq miles)
Belgium's area is 11,800 square miles (30,500 square kilometers).
An area of 0.00776 km square equates to 7,760 square meters.
The area of Honduras in km is 112,492 km²