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He would be able to dig two fifths of a hole in one day.

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Q: It takes two and a half men two and a half days to dig two and a half trenches How many trenches would one man dig in a day?
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Because it takes the moon 29.53 days to go through the complete cycle of all of its phases, and half of that time is 14.77 days. (rounded)

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With radioactive decay, predicting when any individual atom will decay is nearly impossible. However, when a lot a particles are present, then it is possible to get a general idea of how much will decay in a certain period of time. The half-life is this measurement, and it is the time that it takes for one halfof the substance to decay. Hence half-life or how long it takes for half to "die".For any size sample of a substance, the half-life is how long it takes for half to be left, so for a substance with a half-life of 2 days, half of the substance will decay in two days. Therefore your answer is simply half of 30g which is 15g.Additional reading:

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At the speed the Apollo spacecraft traveled, it took three to three and a half days.

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Using logic, if it takes 14 days for 6 men to complete the task, then it would take 3 men 28 days. Continuing it would take one man84 days (3 x 28) to complete. So, now moving backwards, it would take 2 men 42 days (half of the 84) and 4 en 21 days (half of 42)

How long would a week and a half be?

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