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Q: True or false 1 is a factor of 3?
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Add up the digits of 313 and see if they are a multiple of three to answer this.So we have 3+1+3=7. Now since 7 is NOT a multiple of 3, we conclude 3 is not a factor of 313.

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Why you are ask logical gates?

AND,OR,NOT AND(&&): if both statements are true, result is also true,else false OR():either one statement must be true for result to be true NOT(!):opposite/reverse of i/p Example: int i=5; if(i==5&&i>3) printf("true"); here 5==5 and greater than 3 also;result is true NOT: int i=0; if(!i==1) printf("true"); here NOT(1) is 0 same as NOT(TRUE)=FALSE NOT(0) is 1 same as NOT(FALSE)=TRUE

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1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 18 False sorry, that is true, since 1 is not considered a true prime by definition

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1-true 2-false

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As the ball rises from point 1 to point 3 it slows down - This is True

Is this true 5-3-15-(3-1)?

The question contains an expression - not an equation nor an inequality. An expression cannot be true or false.