Add up the digits of 313 and see if they are a multiple of three to answer this.
So we have 3+1+3=7. Now since 7 is NOT a multiple of 3, we conclude 3 is not a factor of 313.
False 1/3 = 0.33333333333 Repeating or 33.33333333333333 Repeating % 33% = 0.33
Is |-8|+|3|=|-8+3| true or false?
True and it will be an equilateral triangle
4 is not a factor of 9. The factors of 9 are 1, 3, and 9. The closest factor of 4 is 8.
False 1/3 = 0.33333333333 Repeating or 33.33333333333333 Repeating % 33% = 0.33
Is |-8|+|3|=|-8+3| true or false?
false. you can have a 3 by 5 or a 8 by 29
Mathematical or logical statements. Such as: 5 > 7 or 3 is a factor of 93 or 6 = 12
False. A penny weighs approximately 2.5 grams, not 3 kg.
quiz 3: the high middle ages, true