The numbers 2 and 30 have a GCF of 2 and an LCM of 30.
The GCF refers to whole numbers, not decimals.
To find a pair of numbers where the least common multiple (LCM) is 35 and the greatest common factor (GCF) is 7, we can use the relationship between LCM and GCF. The product of LCM and GCF of two numbers is equal to the product of the two numbers. Therefore, if LCM is 35 and GCF is 7, the two numbers can be calculated as follows: LCM * GCF = Number 1 * Number 2. Substituting the values, we get 35 * 7 = Number 1 * Number 2. Solving this equation, we find that a pair of numbers could be 5 and 49.
Only if they're the same number. The LCM and GCF of 10 and 10 is 10.
7 and 35
The numbers 2 and 30 have a GCF of 2 and an LCM of 30.
Gcf = 2 LCM = 132
No, the only way the GCF and LCM of two numbers can be the same is if the numbers are the same.
The GCF refers to whole numbers, not decimals.
LCM is 72 and GCF is 6..
Their GCF will be 2. Their LCM will be half their product.
If the GCF of two numbers is 12 and the LCM is 24, the two numbers are 12 and 24.
Since the product of two numbers is equal to the product of their GCF and LCM, the GCF of two numbers is equal to their product divided by their LCM and their LCM is equal to their product divided by their GCF.
To find a pair of numbers where the least common multiple (LCM) is 35 and the greatest common factor (GCF) is 7, we can use the relationship between LCM and GCF. The product of LCM and GCF of two numbers is equal to the product of the two numbers. Therefore, if LCM is 35 and GCF is 7, the two numbers can be calculated as follows: LCM * GCF = Number 1 * Number 2. Substituting the values, we get 35 * 7 = Number 1 * Number 2. Solving this equation, we find that a pair of numbers could be 5 and 49.
6 and 8
6 & 8