Since the product of two numbers is equal to the product of their GCF and LCM, the GCF of two numbers is equal to their product divided by their LCM and their LCM is equal to their product divided by their GCF.
HCF = 3... LCM = 18 !
The HCF is always a factor of the LCM of two numbers. The HCF is a factor of both the numbers which are factors of their LCM. Thus the HCF is also a factor of the LCM of the two numbers.
5 and 10 lcm- 10 and hcf= 5
HCF = 5LCM = 440
HCF of 17 and 68 is 17 ..( Lowest Prime factor ) LCM Of 102 and 476 is 7*2^2*3*17 which is 1428 .. ==> Sum of HCF and LCM are 1428+17= 1445 .
LCM is 20 and the hcf is 10
HCF = 3... LCM = 18 !
HCF is 60 and the LCM is 360
HCF is 48 and LCM is 576
hcf = 42, lcm = 84.
The HCF is: 2The LCM is: 2,520
The HCF is always a factor of the LCM of two numbers. The HCF is a factor of both the numbers which are factors of their LCM. Thus the HCF is also a factor of the LCM of the two numbers.
hcf: 1 lcm: 112,038
No. The LCM MUST be a multiple of the HCF.
LCM = product/HCF so product = LCM/HCF in this case 380/16 which is 23.75, so the answer to your question is no.
5 and 10 lcm- 10 and hcf= 5
HCF - Highest Common Factor. LCM - Lowest Common Multiple.