The prime numbers: 19, 23, 29 and 61.
23 is prime. Prime numbers don't have proper factors.
19 and 23
You need at least two numbers to find a GCF.
The LCM or least common multiple is 253. In this case, the greatest common factor of the two numbers is 1. That is to say, they have no other common factors. We call these numbers relatively prime. When two numbers are relatively prime their LCM is always the product of the two numbers.Sometimes it is easier to find the greatest common factor than to find the least common multiple by looking at multiples of both numbers. This is true if the numbers are primes like 11 and 23. So if you are give two primes, the LCM will always be the product of the two numbers.
An infinity of numbers between the two.
23 and 46 have a GCF of 23.
15, 30, 45, 60 and so on.
Four of them.
22 + 1 = 23
30 is the lcm of the prime numbers of 2, 3 and 5
The two prime numbers immediately following 17 are 19 and 23.
The two numbers are 8 and 15
The two numbers are 9 and 23. 23-9 = 14 23-(2*9) = 5
You can't add any two even numbers to get 23.You can't subtract any two even numbers to get 23.You can't multiply any two even numbers to get 23.About the only thing you can do is divide, like 46 divided by 2, or 92 divided by 4, etc.There are an infinite number of those that work.