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They are all extrinsic muscles of the tongue, used for crude movement.

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Q: What do geniohyiod hyoglossus and stylohyoid have in common?
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What do the muscles genioglossus and hyoglossus and styloglossus have in common?

They are all extrinsic muscles of the tongue, used for crude movement.

What ligament connects the hyoid bone to the temporal bone?

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Where are muscles that have suffix of glossus would be found in the body?

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What does stylohyoid ligament mean?

The stylohyoid ligament is a band of tissue that connects the styloid process of the temporal bone to the lesser cornu of the hyoid bone in the neck. It helps provide support and stabilization to the hyoid bone. Injury or inflammation of this ligament can cause pain and discomfort in the neck and throat.

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What muscle elevates the tongue?

Styloglossus elevates and retracts tongue Genioglossus protrudes and depresses centre of tongue Hyoglossus depresses tongue Palatoglossus elevates back of tongue and depresses soft palate and moves palatopharyngeal folds to midline.

What muscles is not involved in the process of chewing or manipulating food in the mouth A. Masseter B. Omohyoid C. Temporalis D. Pterygoid E. Hyoglossus?

B. Omohyoid. The omohyoid muscle is not directly involved in the process of chewing or manipulating food in the mouth. It acts to depress and stabilize the hyoid bone in the neck.

How many muscles are in your tongue?

There are two types of tongue muscles : 1. intrinsic muscles: -superior longitudinal muscle -vertical muscle -transverse muscle -inferior longitudinal muscle 2. extrinsic muscles: -genioglossus -hyoglossus -palatoglossus -styloglossus Which makes 8 muscles.

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