6 and 12, among others.
The GCF of 13 and 24 is 1.The GCF is 1.
The common denominator is usually the Lowest (or Least) Common Multiple of the numbers involved. Where two numbers have no common factors then the LCM is simply the product of those numbers. As 19 is a prime number and has no factors in common with 18 then the common denominator is 18 x 19 = 342.
The least common multiple of the numbers 13 and 17 is 221.
12 and 24
As 13 and 24 have no divisible numbers in common, the greatest common factor of these numbers is 1.
All the numbers are two digits
6(78/13 = 6 and 24/4 = 6)
These numbers are co-prime, ie have no common factor, so the LCM is the product, 312
-17-19All of the numbers between 13 and 24:Note= The italic numbers are composite. The bold numbers are prime.14151617181920212223
6 and 12, among others.
24, 9, 12, and 2431 are composite numbers. 13 is a prime.
As 13 is prime and is not a factor of 24, then they are relatively prime
The least common multiple of the numbers 6 and 24 is 24.
The least common multiple of the numbers 4 and 24 is 24.
The prime numbers from 12 to 24 are 13, 17, 19, and 23.
The highest common factor of both numbers is 24