The GCF of 27 and 90 is 9.
Prime factor each number. Collect the factors that are common. Multiply the numbers together and get it. 90=2x5x3x3 27=3x3x3 3x3=9
LCM(279084210108, 50) = 6977105252700.
27027*10 = 27090*3 = 270
The GCF is 1.
3/10 or 0.30
Expressed as a percentage fraction, 27/30, or twenty-seven thirtieths, is equal to 90 percent.
90% to a fraction = 90/100 or 9/10 90% = 90%/100% = 9/10 in fraction
The fraciton of 90 is the improper fraction 90/1.
As an improper fraction 27 is 27/1.
90% = 90/100 or 9/10 in fraction
27 as a reduced fraction = 27/1
90% as a fraction
fraction = 90/100
27 percent to a fraction = 27/100
90 percent in fraction form = 9/1090%= 90%/100%= 9/10 in fraction
100620/90 = 1118.