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The Fahrenheit scale was based on freezing water when salt and ice were mixed together. This happened at what is now 0F. The scale upper number was set to the temperature of the human body at about 100F. When the scale was refined then water froze at 32F and boiled at 212F. 212 minus 32 equals 180. Since the C scale is based on water's freezing and boiling points, or 0C and 100C, the relationship is 100/180, or 5/9. The -32 simply zeros out the two scales. Cirric

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Q: What is F -32 x 59 C that 59 in Fahrenheits equation?
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You can use this equation to convert degrees Fahrenheit (F) to degrees Celsius (C): [°C] = ([°F] − 32) × 5⁄9

What is 59f convert to Celsius?

59 degrees Fahrenheit is 15 degrees Celsius.Start by taking the number in Fahrenheit and subtracting 32. Then divide the number by 9, and then multiply it by 5. This is how you convert Fahrenheit to Celsius or use the equation C = (F - 32) × 5/9In this case, the answer is about 15 degrees Celsius.15° C

15 degrees Celsius is how many degrees in Fahrenheit?

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How do you write equation of converting 59 degrees Fahrenheit into degrees Celsius?

59ºF = 15.0ºCUse this formula to convert degrees Fahrenheit (F) to degrees Celsius (C): (F - 32) / 1.8 = C

Change 59 degrees Fahrenheit to grees celsius?

Start by taking the number in Fahrenheit and subtracting 32. Then divide the number by 9, and then multiply it by 5. This is how you convert Fahrenheit to Celsius or use the equation C = (F - 32) × 5/9In this case, the answer is about 15 degrees Celsius.

Change 59 degrees Fahrenheit todegrees Celsius?

C = 5/9 (f-32) c = 5/9 (59-32) = 5/9 (27) = 15

Convert 15 C degrees into Fahrenheit?

15 degrees Celsius is equal to 59 degrees Fahrenheit using the formula: F = (C x 9/5) + 32.

What is 59 degreees F in degrees celsius?

Conversion formula: [°C] = ([°F] − 32) * 5 / 9 = ( 59 - 32 ) * 5 / 9 = 15 °C

What is the equation to convert from F to C?

[°C] = ([°F] − 32) × 5⁄9

15 degrees Celsius equals what in Fahrenheit?

Start by taking the number in Celsius and multiply it by 9. Then divide that number by 5, and then add 32. This is how you convert Celsius to Fahrenheit or use the equation F = (9/5)C + 32In this case, the answer is about 59 degrees Fahrenheit.