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monosaccarides are the building blocks of which a lager charboydrate molecules are made. they are also used as engery source in plant and animals.

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Q: What is a common monosaccaride?
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Related questions

Do I capitalize the word monosaccaride?

The word "monosaccharide" should not be capitalized, as it is not a proper noun.

Is fructose a monosaccaride?


What is the smallest monosaccaride?


Is glycogen a monosaccaride disaccaride polysaccaride?

A polysaccaride.

What type of carbohydrate is like glucose?


Is sucrose a monosaccaride?

no sucrose is a disaccarides made from glucose and fructose

What is the characteristics of glucose?

6 ring structure, simple carbohydrate, contains an ether bond, can be used to make glycogen, maltose, etc... a monosaccaride.

What is the difference between glucose glycogen and glucagon?

Glucose a monosaccaride otherwise known as sugarused for energyGlycogen is secreted by the pancreas to stimulate an increase in blood sugar levelGlucagon, a hormone secreted by the pancreas, raises blood glucose levels

Does monosaccaride contain nitrogen?

No, monosaccharides do not contain nitrogen. Monosaccharides are simple sugars composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. Examples of monosaccharides include glucose, fructose, and galactose.

What kind of sugar is used to make DNA?

Deoxyribose sugar is the type of sugar used to make DNA. It is a five-carbon sugar molecule that forms the backbone of the DNA double helix structure.

What food group is honey in in the food guide pyramid?

Honey would qualify as a "Fat, Sweet, or Other" (in this case a sweet). Honey, like corn syrup, maple syrup, or plain ol' refined white sugar, is a simple carbohydrate or monosaccaride. It enters the blood stream just as quickly as its "brothers" do.

How do you identify disaccharides?

Disaccharides are identified by their chemical structure, which consists of two monosaccharide units linked together by a glycosidic bond. Examples of common disaccharides include sucrose (glucose + fructose), lactose (glucose + galactose), and maltose (glucose + glucose). They can be detected using chemical tests or analytical techniques such as chromatography.