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If two angles are equal, they're called congruent angles.

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Q: What is a equal angle?
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An angle with measure equal to 90?

An angle with measure equal to 90 is called a right angle.

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The angle of reflection is equal to angle of incidence. Therefore angle of reflection will be also equal to 32.

When is angle of incidence equal to angle of reflection?

The angle of incidence is ALWAYS equal to the angle of reflection! This is one of the laws of reflection.

What is a equal adjacent angle?

it is a angle

What is the measurement of a congruent angle?

A congruent angle can also mean equal angle. So there is no set measurement of a congruent angle. Just the same as the angle it is equal to.

What do you call an angle that is equal to 90 and more than 360?

If an angle is equal to 90, then it can't be more than 360.An angle that is equal to 90 degrees is called a "right angle".

Does a bisector split an angle in two equal sides?

No. an angle bisector splits an angle into two equal angles.

How is called the angle that is equal to the angle of reflection?

angle of incidence!

According to the law of reflection the is equal to the angle of incidence?

According to the law of reflection, the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. This means that the angle at which a light ray strikes a surface is equal to the angle at which it bounces off the surface.

What divides an angle into two equal angles?

It is to bisect the angle into two equal angles.