All of them.
The greatest common factor, or GCF, is the largest positive integer that will divide evenly with no remainder into all the members of a given set of numbers. If you find the GCF of the numerator and denominator of a fraction and divide them by it, you will find the simplest form of the fraction. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is already in its simplest form.
There are parts of Africa in all of them.
Evolutionary history
Factories that just assemble parts into finished products for export are called maquiladoras.Not all factories that export are known as such, however. For example, steel-mills produce steel which is then exported to other countries, such as the United States, China or India. These are not maquiladoras.
whole number
Draw as many rectangles as the whole number you are multiplying by. Then, draw the fraction you are multiplying by in all of the rectangles. Shade in the top number in the fraction [numerator] in your rectangles. Count all the shaded in parts of all your rectangles. Leave the bottom number of your fraction [denominator] the same and put the number you got when you added the shaded parts of the rectangles on top as your denominator of the fraction. That is your answer!
3 - 7 is the fraction for 3 shaded stars and 4 unshaded stars
3/7 * 100 = 42.857% of the stars are shaded.4/7 * 100 = 57.143% are not shaded.
-- Look at the picture, count how many squares are shaded, write down the number. -- Look at the picture again, count how many squares there are all together, whether they're shaded or not shaded. Write down the number. -- Make a fraction. Put the first number on top, put the second number on the bottom. (-- Reduce the fraction to lowest terms, it necessary, and if you know how to do that.)
The shaded region above or below the line in the graph of a linear inequality is called the solution region. This region represents all the possible values that satisfy the inequality. Points within the shaded region are solutions to the inequality, while points outside the shaded region are not solutions.
The numerator is the top number in any fraction.
The denominator is the bottom number of the fraction. It tells how many parts in all. The numerator is the top number of the fraction which tells you the number of parts considered.
Well, darling, if you shaded all but three eighths of the rectangle, then the shaded area is 5/8 of the total rectangle. To find the percentage of the rectangle that is not shaded, you subtract the shaded area from 100%. So, 100% - 62.5% (5/8 as a percentage) = 37.5%. Voilà, 37.5% of the rectangle is not shaded.
The bottom number.
Count all the squares then count the shaded squares put the shaded number at the top and the number of all squares at the bottom so it might look like this ⅜ 8 is the total and 3 is the number of shaded squares
Cell parts are called organelles.