There are two forms of the NAND gate. Inverted input: Ouput = not Input1 and not Input2 and not Input3 ... Inverted output: Output = not (Input1 and Input2 and Input3 ...)
There is no actual name for his weapon in the real world. In the show, is it called Santa Teresa. I slightly disagree it's more of a dual sided half inverted crescent moon scythe.
It is an odd number
A mixed number.
it is called the power
The inverted giant swing is called a Reverse Hecht.
The number that reads same when inerted is SIX.When inverted it reads SIX.
reversed headstock.
If the image is upside up view of the given object than it is called Inverted Image. If it remains as the object than it is called Erect Image
There are a limited number in the US. There are hree types that come to mind, the $1 lamp, the Dag Hammerskold and the inverted Jenny.
It is called a circumflex.
An image that is upside down as compared to the object are known as inverted images. Example, the first thing you will notice is that the concave side of the spoon makes your image come upside down. Such an image is called an inverted image.
I think you mean reciprocal. For example, the reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2.
It is the phonetic symbol for the sound "uh" and is called schwa.