Numbers without factors are PRIME Numbers.
Taking the first ten numbers.
The prime numbers are 2,3,5,7, they have no factors.
4,6,8,9,10. Are not prime numbers as they have factors.
4 has a factor of '2'
6 has factors of '2 & 3'.
8 has factors of' 2 & 4'. or' 2,2,2.'
9 has factors of '3,3',
10 has factors of '2 5.'
'1' is unique
When you are finding common factors, one method is to list the factors.
A composite number has three or more factors.
If a number has equal factors, it is a perfect square and the equal factors would be square roots.
If a number has three factors, it's a perfect square. One of those three factors (apart from 1 and the number itself) would be the square root.
A number that has only two factors is called a prime. The only factors of a prime are 1 and the number itself.
a number with only 2 factors (1 and itself ) is called a prime number
a square number
A COMPOUND number. e.g. 24 , 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24 are all factors of '24'. NB A number that has no factors is a PRIME Number. e.g. 3,5,7,
common factors
It is called a perfect number.
A compound number has 3 or more factors, two of the factors being 1 and the number itself.
It is called a prime number
a prime number. it will have the factors 1 and it's self. ie. x has factors 1 and xA number with only two factors is a prime number
A square number
the divisor function