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hcf = 18

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Q: What is the GCF of 8262 and 101592 by Euclid's algorithm?
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How do you solve Euclidean algorithm?

GCF(437,1247) using Euclidean algorithm

What is the gcf of 45787 and 69875?

By Euclid's algorithm, it is the same as the gcf of 45787 and 24088 (the latter is the remainder of the division of 69875 by 45787).

How can you use the Euclidean Algorithm to find the GCF of three numbers?

By dividing

What is the gcf of 75 100 and 175?

It's the same as gcf(gcf(75, 100), 175). In other words, you can first use Euclid's algorithm to find the gcf of 75 and 100; then you can calculate the gcf of the result with 175. To help you get started, by Euclid's algorithm, the gcf of 75 and 100 is the same as the gcf of 75 and 25 (where 25 is the remnainder of the division of 100 / 75).

What is the GCF of 160 and 105?

Using Euclid's algorithm, it's the same as the gcf of 105 and 55 (where 55 is the remainder of the division of 160 by 105).

What is the greatest common factor of 12 and 76?

Using Euclid's algorithm, the gcf(12, 76) is 4.

What is the GCF of 180 336 and 504?

You can use Euclid's algorithm to calculate the gcf of two of the numbers - then use Euclid's algorithm again with the result and the third number.Or you can factor all the numbers into prime factors, and check which prime factors occur in all three numbers.

What is the GCF of 801 and 2136?

The same as the GCF of 801 and 534, where 534 is the remainder of the division of 2136 by 801. You can continue this process of division, until you get one number that is a multiple of the other. When that happens, the smaller number is the GCF of the original numbers. (For more details: this method is known as Euclid's Algorithm.)

What is the greatest common factor of 125 and 1000-?

Since 1000 is an exact multiple of 125, it follows that 125 is the greatest common factor.Alternative explanation: applying Euclid's algorithm, gcf(1000, 125) is the same as gcf(125, 0), where 0 is the remainder of the division of 1000 by 125.

What is the algorithm of LCM of more than 3 numbers?

If you use methods based on prime factors, it is the same whether you have 2, 3, or more numbers: find all the factors that occur in any of your numbers. If you use a method based on Euclid's Algorithm (that is, lcm(a, b) = a x b / gcf(a, b), where you find the gcf with Euclid's Algorithm), then you can find the lcm for two numbers at a time. For example, to get the lcm of four numbers, find the lcm of the first two, then the lcm of the result and the third number, than the lcm of the result and the fourth number.

What is the greatest common factor of 33 and 154?

Same as the greatest common factor of 33 and 22 - where 22 is calculated as the remainder of the division of 154 by 33 (this is known as Euclid's algorithm).

HOW TO FIND greatest common factor?

-- List factors of first number. -- List factors of second number. -- Make short list of all numbers on both factor lists. -- Biggest number on short list is greatest common factor of both numbers.