LCD(9, 21) = 63
LCD is y E
LCD(49, 21) = 147
LCD(21, 13, 14, 15) = 2730
It is: 462
No, they are integers. If they were denominators, their LCD would be 42.
It is: 294 which is the same as its LCM
LCD(15, 26) = 390
LCD(9, 21) = 63
LCD(18, 21) = 126
LCD(5, 14) = 70
Put as 6/7 - 4/21, change to LCD: 18/21 - 4/21, which is 14/21, or 2/3
LCD is y E
The least common denominator is 14. Whenever there are two values, and one is a multiple of the other, the multiple (larger number) is the LCD.