The LCM of one number is itself.
The LCM of one number is itself. LCM involves two or more numbers.
LCM requires two or more numbers in order to find the LCM. The LCM of one number is simply itself.
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM.
The LCM of one number is itself. Finding the LCM requires two or more numbers.
The LCM applies to integers, not fractions.
Their GCF will be 2. Their LCM will be half their product.
6, but when we're talking about fractions, we call it the LCD, or least common denominator.
this a stinky number
If the missing number is even, it's the LCM. If it's odd, it's half of the LCM.
The LCM is the multiple.
The LCM of one number is itself. LCM requires two or more numbers to solve for the LCM.
The LCM of one number is itself.
The LCM of one number is itself.
The LCM of one number is itself.